Wednesday, July 22, 2009

T minus 40 minutes

In 40 minutes our last class begins. Am I nervous? Nah. Am I apprehensive? 'Course not! Am I wishing I had a terrible migraine or some other excellent excuse for staying in bed all day today? Maybe a little bit...

Alright, quite a lot.

I've looked back at the questions we are required to answer in this presentation, and I am quitesure I've answered all of them in the various blog posts, except for why I have not used any print tools. Well, that's simple: There's hardly any out there! Amigurumi is very new, and while there are a few pattern books availalbe in English, you could probably count the number on both hands. There are a lot mroe in Japanese, but since I have precisely NO knowledge of how to read Japanese I can't really make much use of them. There are, however, *truckloads* of internet sites, blogs, you-name-its out there about Amigurumi. I could have cited one of my pattern books, but since it's more of a leaflet than a book, and has no real publishing information beyond the yarn company sponsoring it, it wouldn't be much good. Besides, using the internet meant I could also take a break every-so-often and have a quick game of Freecell or Spider Solitaire when the brain demanded a break.

So that's it! Here endeth the presentation, and with a bit of luck and a fair wind I've actually done it all properly. I now finish this post off at T minus 30 minutes and think longingly of the lunch provided today. Tehre may be no such thing as a free lunch, but this is close enough!

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent and interesting blog, Karen, satisfying all the requirements of the unit. You have demonstrated a really good understanding of the different Web 2.0 technologies we looked at and I think you even became quite enthusiastic!

    The citations are very tricky and you will learn more about them and how to do them in other classes in the Diploma. Basically, we must always try to find an author, which is what you have done, even if the author is an organisation. When we are citing websites, we only need to give the URL to the home page - not the whole thing.

    Anyway, congratulations on a very good and interesting report.
