Thursday, March 27, 2014

Captain of this boat

Heeeeeeeere's Noah!

He's all complete, but he refuses to stand up.  I think he's got into the wine a bit early.  Doesn't he know he didn't get drunk until AFTER the Flood?

I'm making the second bear now.  My poor first bear has been looking very lonely, so I think he needs a friend.  After that I'll make Mrs Noah.

I've worked out how to make the Ark as well.  It will be a round blanket and I'll make it with a draw-string around the edge so all the animals can be bundled up into it and it can be gathered up and put away.  The base of the rug will be sky and water, with the rainbow as the border on the top (sky) half of the rug.  The Ark itself I will make separately and sew on, like an applique.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

And a new look

Oh, yeah, and I decided to give the blog a facelift.  I think books are more me than a bunch of random lemon and lime spots.

There's a bear in there.

My first Noah's Ark animal is complete!  Half of the Bear Pair is done.  I actually finished him a day or two ago, but didn't have the right type of eyes, so I had to go and buy some.  That was actually a good thing, because I wasn't aware you could get the oval shaped eyes.  I'd only ever used the round ones before, so there's something new for me.  :)

As it is, there will be a slight pause on making another addition to Noah's Ark, due to the fact that I have been reminded that I promised to make a friend a Dalek back in January and still haven't done so.  As a result I am now making said Dalek, which is definitely a lot trickier than the bear, but I should have it done in another couple of days and then I can get back to my next Ark inhabitant, which happens to be Noah himself.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Noah's Ark

Well now.  Here we are, then.  I've managed to drag this old blog out of the ether of the internet, in order to document my progression (or lack thereof) on my new project, a crocheted Noah's Ark.  As you can see, this blog was last used in 2009, and it was a project for a course I was doing in TAFE (Library Technician.  I didn't finish it because I got a job as an optical dispenser.  Go figure.).  As a result the old posts talk about stuff I was learning then and have now mostly forgotten.  Feel free to ignore those posts completely.  No doubt at some point I'll go through and delete them, but right now they make the blog look a bit more productive, so they can stay there.

Noah's Ark.  My ambitious new project.  I have plans to make numerous pairs of animals (no, I'm not going to go with the '7 pairs of clean and 1 pair of unclean'), including bears, tigers, camels, donkeys, hippos, rhinos, elephants, lions, giraffes, monkeys and others.  There will be no insects or anything smaller than a snake, so don't bother offering suggestions because I will rudely ignore them.  Originally I thought to make them as realistically as possible, but fiddling around in an attempt to make a realistic looking bear has convinced me that life is too short and I should just stick with the patterns I have.  I do want the animals to all be pretty much of a like size, around 15 - 20 cm, so may have to do some adjusting on some patterns to get that to work.  I have to adjust a few patterns to make some animals.  The pattern for the lion will also make tigers, as long as I add in stripes and leave off the mane, and I'm using a panda pattern for the bear, but making it in brown.

This project will no doubt take months, or even longer if I get bored and want to make something else in the interim.  The animals will be the easy bit.  It's the Ark itself that will be REALLY tricky.  I haven't even thought about that, but a couple of suggestions have been to make it in felt, or even make (or get made) a wooden one.  Both definite possibilities, to be thought about at a later date.

So why am I doing this?  No real reason, just because I can.  A challenge, I guess, both to my crocheting skills and to my attention span.  Actually, more to my attention span, since I've made several of these animals before, so that side of things is the easy bit.  I have a tendency to start things and not finish them (don't we all?), but this one I really want to do, and having the blog, and hopefully followers, will keep me honest.

My first animal is a bear.  I will post pictures of each animal as I go, so all things being equal I should be able to put a picture up in a day or two.